Focus in Recruitment Sector

The recruitment services industry is constantly changing with the advances in technology.
Emergence of social media and mobile has made it impossible for recruitment services industry not to adapt to the technological advancements. The digital tools now available to recruitment consultants have made their job fast and efficient.
In India recruitment services in the human resource development industry constitutes the largest segment. This segment forms a very large market, comprising the largest number of players in the industry.
With such stiff competition, the market is fragmented and no organization has a size-able lead over others. A size-able presence of global companies adds the competitiveness of the industry.
Result-oriented approach
In the recruitment sector in India, a shift is taking place. Traditional recruitment methods are being replaced by result-oriented approach. This calls for in-depth understanding of the candidates’ profiles to measure the attributes between expectation and delivery. This is likely to increase in the changing economic scenario.
Recruiting paradigms will see several innovations in the short-term future. There will be increased use of gamification, crowdsourcing and referral hiring. Social recruiting, which is a relatively new trend, is already being extensively used.
Candidates are more jobs seeking in a new brave world.
Recently in recruitment sector the digital market has revolutionized the way job seeking.
More than 50% job search traffic comes from web. Up to a third of candidate applications take place on careers websites.
The diversity of social media has overcome the candidates with too much information. Streamlining this data to effectively target relevant applicants with the right skillsets, qualification, experience and level of seniority should be the primary focus for recruiters.
Converting Social Media or Web Traffic into Opportunities
Recruiters are gradually required to target position divisions of the candidate market when hiring for some specialized requirement. As this situation recruitment consultancy teams need optimized skills of the specialized job requirement. Reaching the right talent source in 2014 requires that additional effort is placed on recruiters to target candidates through the right networks.
Search engines are becoming progressively sophisticated in how they list jobs and career advice in search results.
To attract appropriate candidates at the lowest costs –even for that hard-to-fill requirement it’s successful process. Sculpting the efficiency stability in direct sourcing results in a significantly successful online recruitment operation.
Need to adapt to changing scenario
Single delivery models based on the network and connections of recruitment firms are unlikely to be effective for long. Market trends have changed because of advances in technology, managed services and recruitment process outsourcing.
In view of this, smaller firms will need to adapt to the changes in order to keep pace with competition.