Some Important Things That Everyone Should Know About the Education Consultancy
What is education?
Looking at the word education, it is known that education is a Sanskrit word which means to learn. Education means learning, whether you learn it from your parents or from society or school and college but basically the skills or learning that we gain at our school is called education.
It is not that people are educated only by reading books! Knowledge can be acquired by various means. Nowadays, digital platform is the most common and widely used medium for gaining knowledge.
Mankind is one such social animal who strives to educate his children the most. Anyone who has any kind of education or learning is called literate in the society.
When a person completes his education through his efforts and he becomes skilled and valuable by not only staying in the society but also playing a role in the growth and development of society as a whole, then that person can be called truly educated.
What is an education consultancy in India?
Everyone needs guidance to reach their aim and desired results. It is not necessary but still guidance plays an important role in helping and shaping one’s life very pleasantly. Coming to an Education consultant he plays the same role in carving your future with best suited paths and ways in much effective manner.
It is said, the man with experience will guide you much better with not only his knowledge but with his experiences, Education consultancy can be concluded as same. They never leave you in mid of storm instead they will carved this storm beneficial for your bright future.
Inspite of humongous opportunities available for students they all are unaware of that, they only run for most usual paths due to lack of complete knowledge. Even parents strive for ordinary path instead of diversity. The above situation arises only due to insufficient knowledge but there are various roles and jobs to play in society which can provide you with immense peace and money as well. One only need to be aware of such opportunities here consultants plays an important role of guidance.The need for the services of an Education recruitment consultant in India is felt here.
Carrier as an Education consultant
Your career as an education consultant can prove to be full of possibilities in many ways. First, it is a job filled with responsibilities. Second, in this business you do not need much large investments. Thirdly, you are your own boss here and if you want, you can also associate yourself with any other profession of your choice.
Here you will get immense contacts and achievements according to your performance and success.
How do education recruitment agencies work?
- Any Top consultants in Delhi recruitment agency selects the company according to its type (Niche) and contacts the HR department of that company. If there is a vacancy in that company, the recruitment agency collects the basic requirement for that post (eg minimum qualification, experience, location etc.) and the company’s employee requirement.
- By creating a database of this information, the recruitment agency creates a list of people who can fulfill all the needs of the company and according to this list, the top recruitment agency contacts all those people and gives them all the information about the company.
- If they are happy with the company and its post, then they also say yes to the job and thus the recruitment agency gets those people interviewed in the company, if the person is selected in the interview and gets a job in that company If, then top recruitment agency takes commission from the company in return for filling this vacancy. Apart from this, the recruitment agency also takes some commission from those who have jobs. In this way the recruitment agency earns as an intermediary.
Thus, due to the lack of serious analysis of the relationship of the current education placement agency system with the social structure, the curriculum and its fundamental weaknesses, the present education placement agency system of India is still in the circle of crises. Textbooks are changed every ten years, but the basic form of education needs to be changed to make it job oriented.
Our current education system is creating such an army of non-technical students who ultimately become a burden on their family and society. Therefore, there is an urgent need to link education with nation building and character building.